New York Central GP35
New York Central GP35 #2399 Greetings All, What would you say if I said the New York Central System had an EMD GP35 with dynamic brakes? If you asked me that a few months ago I would have said no way based on all the print and internet info I've read. I've since learned different. Check this out; EMD built a GP35 with see thru side panels for the 1964 -1965 World's Fair that was held in Queens NY. When the fair ended this display engine EMDX 1964 and then EMDX 1965 with it's dynamic brakes was sold to the NYC. This engine became NYC 6155 the highest numbered GP35 on the NYC roster. It was later renumbered 2399 in 1966 for the pending NYC-PRR merger. Here's the 2399 at Sandusky Ohio in 1966! Dynamic brakes an all!! Make sure you scroll down! WHAT!!! A New York Central GP35 had dynamic brakes!!! Get that 2937 out of the purgatory box!! This NYC GP35 #2937 painted in 2010 with a wrong number and dynamic brakes ended u...